On average, artists in the United States make around $68,690 per year.

Artist Salary Guide: How Much Do Artists Make in the US?

Whether you are an aspiring artist or just curious about the industry, this comprehensive guide will give you insights into the world of art salaries.

On average, artists in the United States make around $68,690 per year. Salaries can range between $42,000 and $110,000 yearly, with an average hourly rate of $33.02.

In this article, we will explore the average salary of artists in the United States, factors affecting their earnings, and the highest-paying states and cities for artists. 

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average artist salary in the US

  1. Average Artist Salary in the US: The average artist salary in the United States is $68,690 per year. This translates to an hourly rate of $33.02.

  2. Entry-Level Artist Salary: For entry-level artists, the average yearly salary is $42,000. This amount represents the lower end of the salary spectrum for artists.

  3. Median Artist Salary: The median artist salary, which represents the middle point between the lowest and highest salaries, is $110,000 annually.

  4. Salary Range: Artist salaries typically range between $42,000 and $110,000 yearly. This wide range is influenced by several factors, including experience, location, and education.

    learning how much money fine artists make
  5. Factors Impacting Artist Salaries: Several factors influence an artist's salary, including:

  • Location: Artists earn the highest average salaries in California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Rhode Island.
  • Education: Artists with advanced degrees or specialized training may command higher salaries.
  • Experience: Artists with more experience in the industry often earn higher salaries due to their expertise and reputation.
  • Company and Industry: Artists employed in certain industries, such as technology, may receive higher compensation.
    learning the factors that affect an artist's pay
  1. Highest Paying State for Artists: California is the highest-paying state for artists, with an average salary of $75,539 per year.

  2. Highest Paying City for Artists: San Rafael, CA, offers the highest average salary for artists at $79,430 per year.

View limited edition prints by contemporary artists at Naturalist Gallery.

The field of art offers a diverse range of opportunities for driven individuals. The artist salary guide presented here sheds light on the average earnings in the industry and highlights factors affecting these salaries. Whether you are considering a career in art or simply curious about artists' earnings, these valuable insights to help you better understand the landscape of artist salaries in the United States.

Highest Paying City for Artists

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