oil paintings of nature for sale

Oil Paintings of Nature

Oil paintings of nature are available at the Naturalist Gallery.

Explore our curated selection of contemporary artists from around the globe.

Naturalist Gallery offers artist representation internationally. Apply your art.

  1. Evanescent
    "Evanescent" by Elizabeth Gorcey, 2023
    - This painting measures 48 x 36 inches and is known for its expressive colors and profound emotional depth, capturing vivid life scenes through the fluidity of oil paint.
  2. Lobster Claw Celebration
    "Lobster Claw Celebration" by Julie Orsini Shakher, 2022
    - A vibrant depiction of nature, this 40 x 30 inch canvas captures the lively essence of a tropical scene with rich colors and dynamic brushwork.
  3. Morning
    "Morning" by Julie Orsini Shakher, 2020
    - Reflecting the tranquility of dawn, this 18 x 24 inch painting uses soft hues to portray the serene morning light.
  4. Underwater Key Coral

    "Underwater Key Coral" by Julie Orsini Shakher, 2022
    - A large 48 x 72 inch canvas that brings the underwater world to life with vivid colors and detailed depiction of coral reefs.

  5. DeChelly Pink
    "DeChelly Pink" by Victoria Perry, 1989
    - Capturing the soft hues of dawn or dusk, this 26 x 20 inch painting portrays the rugged beauty of Canyon de Chelly with a blend of realistic landscape and abstract elements.
  6. Navajo
    "Navajo" by Victoria Perry, 2020
    - A 34 x 24 inch painting that honors the grandeur of Navajo landscapes, featuring layered painting techniques and natural colors to mimic the sedimentary rock layers of the desert.
  7. Moment 8
    "Moment 8" by Hannah Freeman, 2018
    - Part of Freeman's series of circular oil paintings, this 10 x 10 inch work on maple explores cosmic themes in a compact format, symbolizing the eternal cycle of life and the universe's continuous expansion.

These selections showcase a range of styles and subjects, from serene landscapes to vibrant underwater scenes, all rendered beautifully in oil paint. Each piece offers a unique interpretation of the natural world, reflecting the artists' connections to the environments they depict.

Learn more About Naturalist Gallery of Contemporary Art.

Naturalist Gallery

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