Problem, Alexis Brayton, 2023, encaustic, 18 x 24 in. / 45.72 x 60.96 cm.

Brayton’s Encaustic Environmental Art

Alexis Brayton harnesses the ancient art of encaustic painting to explore modern themes, melding photo transfer with wax to profound effect.

She is an encaustic artist who creates compelling landscapes that reflect on the relationship between the natural world and human impact.

Brayton’s work is characterized by its textured surface and depth, the translucence of wax creating layers of meaning as complex as the subjects they portray. This body of work not only captures the eye but also stirs the mind, urging a closer examination of the interaction between humanity and the environment.

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Flood: Juxtaposition of Nature and Urbanity

Flood, Alexis Brayton, 2023, encaustic, 10 x 10 in. / 25.4 x 25.4 cm.

"Flood" is a striking piece that superimposes the untamed energy of water over the rigid structure of an urban landscape. The photo transfer technique allows Brayton to create a visual dialogue between the organic flow and the angularity of human-made forms. The encaustic wax brings a fluidity to the piece, its translucence suggesting both the inundation of water and the ephemeral nature of human constructs. This 10x10 work on birch panel is a commentary on the inevitable clash between nature's forces and our urban environments.

Problem: Fractures and Fiery Veins

Problem, Alexis Brayton, 2023, encaustic, 18 x 24 in. / 45.72 x 60.96 cm.

"Problem" is a larger encaustic piece that delves into the tension and disruption in the natural world, possibly alluding to ecological issues. The fiery veins that run through the piece are reminiscent of both roots and fractures, symbolizing growth and decay. Brayton's work here is both a warning and a reflection, a fiery tableau that holds a mirror to the complexities of the environmental challenges we face.

Summer: Tranquility in Turbulence

Summer, Alexis Brayton, 2021, encaustic, 10 x 10 in. / 25.4 x 25.4 cm.

With "Summer," Brayton contrasts the previous intensity with a calmer seascape, though still imbued with undercurrents of movement. The encaustic technique lends a dreamlike quality to the waters, with the wax’s natural texture creating an impression of the ocean’s surface that is both serene and dynamic. This small piece is reflective, reminding us of the quiet strength and resilience inherent in nature.

Alexis Brayton’s encaustic panels are more than art; they are conversations about the intersection of human influence and the wild, natural world. Her paintings invite us to consider our place within the larger ecosystem and to reflect on the impacts of our actions. Brayton’s art is a compelling mix of beauty and message, leaving an indelible impression upon the viewer.

Learn more About Naturalist Gallery of Contemporary Art.

Gradient, Alexis Brayton, 2023, encaustic, 14 x 30 in. / 35.56 x 76.2 cm.

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