Modest Veus, Aza Smith, 2023, mixed media on canvas, 30 x 23 in. / 76.2 x 58.42 cm.

Aza Smith: Portraits of Allegory and Archetype

Featured image: Modest Veus, Aza Smith, 2023, mixed media on canvas, 30 x 23 in. / 76.2 x 58.42 cm.

Aza Smith is an artist known for exploring deep allegorical and mystical themes through mixed media, portraying complex narratives around virtues, archetypes, and human experiences, challenging viewers to ponder existential and cultural questions.

Aza Smith’s work delves deep into the realm of allegory and mysticism, portrayed vividly through "Charity," "Man of Sorrows," and "The Scarlet Woman, Great Mother, Mother of Abominations." These mixed media canvases are not mere paintings; they are profound narratives, interweaving cultural, spiritual, and psychological motifs to explore universal themes and personal interpretations.

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, Aza Smith, 2020, mixed media on canvas, 36 x 24 in. / 91.44 x 60.96 cm.

Charity In "Charity" (2020), Smith presents an allegorical interpretation that transcends traditional iconography. The complexity of human virtues is depicted with an intense palette and dynamic forms, suggesting the multifaceted nature of charity beyond mere benevolence. This artwork challenges viewers to reconsider the essence and implications of charity in contemporary society.

Man of Sorrows
, Aza Smith, 2023, mixed media on canvas, 36 x 24 in. / 91.44 x 60.96 cm.

Man of Sorrows "Man of Sorrows" (2023) captures the essence of the Messianic archetype through a vivid portrayal that blends sorrow and sanctity. Smith’s interpretation offers a contemporary reflection on the archetype, symbolizing the collective and personal burdens of creativity and sacrifice. The portrayal encourages a contemplation of artistic and spiritual salvation.

The Scarlet Woman, Great Mother, Mother of Abominations
, Aza Smith, 2023, mixed media on canvas, 27.5 x 22 in. / 69.85 x 55.88 cm.

The Scarlet Woman, Great Mother, Mother of Abominations In this 2023 piece, Smith delves into Thelema and Crowleyan symbolism to depict the complex figure of Babalon. The artwork is a rich tapestry of color and emotion, representing the dual nature of creation and destruction inherent in the archetype. Smith invites viewers to confront and reconcile with the primal forces and societal taboos encapsulated by the figure.

Aza Smith's works are a compelling fusion of allegory and archetype, inviting viewers on a journey through the symbolic landscapes of human virtue, suffering, and the esoteric. Each piece serves as a reflection on the profound questions of life, identity, and existence, challenging the audience to delve deeper into their understandings and beliefs.

Learn more About Naturalist Gallery of Contemporary Art.

, Aza Smith, 2023, mixed media on canvas, 11 x 8.5 in. / 27.94 x 21.59 cm.

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